Stranger Things takes place in the fictional town of Hawkins, Indiana in the early-to-mid 1980s. The first season revolves around the disappearance of Will Byers, while the second season explores the repercussions of the mysterious events of season 1.

The third season focuses on “forces of evil that are new”. It takes also place in the fictional mall of Hawkins which they called as Starcourt Mall.

Strange things appeared in İstanbul same as in Hawkins. One of the biggest shopping mall in the city turned into the 80s in one night. Zorlu Center became Starcourt Mall. Giant monsters of Hawkins, iconic shops, arcade games as the 80’s essential, classical street games of those days, installations which brought you to the Upside Down with one look and more surprises about the show were surrounded the mall. Thousands of people took photo with the inglorious monster. The 80’s cosplay took over the mall.

The ones who made Eleven’s tattoo had Eleven’s power with one makeup touch. Vans were flying. During the activation, lots of familiar face were there. Even the deceased Barb.

Client: Netflix
Advertising Agency: Tribal Worldwide İstanbul
Managing & Creative Director: Arda Erdik
Creative Team: Merve Selamet, İsmail Anıl Güzeliş, Balım Beren Sunar, Emre Karaca, Sezen Balcı
Project Manager: Emir Medina, Melis Hasanoğlu

Production Agency: Capsule

JULY 2019

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